
Survive! (libro en inglés)


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Libro Survive! (libro en inglés). Sinopsis libro, reseña libro. A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Helen Brooke.

You are in a small plane, going across the Rocky Mountains. Suddenly, the engine starts to make strange noises . . .

Soon you are alone, in the snow, at the top of a mountain, and it is very, very cold. Can you find your way out of the mountain? Libro Survive! (libro en inglés).

1 valoración en Survive! (libro en inglés)

  1. Nhi Nguyễn

    What a great book! I thoroughly enjoyed it! And I absolutely love its interactive form. After watching countless survival instruction series from Bear Grylls (especially the interactive series «You vs. Wild» on Netflix), I have learned what to do and what not to do when caught in the situation presented in the book. And I made it out alive the first time trying ha ha ha :)))

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